sweet cheeks had an awesome weekend playing with lots of friends. she went to her twin boy friend's 2nd birthday party. the theme of the party was none other than sweet cheeks all time favorite tv show, "jack's big music show." this is the cutest puppet show that toddlers love due to the great music & constant motion. mommy to the boys made tee's for the kids and sweet cheeks was so excited when the day of the party finally arrived so she could wear the cute tee. this picture shows the sheer excitement she was feeling!

really, the tee was so cute and it was so cute on her! thanks for that twins mommy!
can you see her? the party had a fun bubble machine. it was funny to see sweet cheeks going bubble crazy, chasing them with the hopes of popping them. ahhh... the joys of the simple life!
sunday, at sweet cheeks' request, we spent over an hour just browsing all the toys of our local toys r us. she loves to just run around and try everything out. i was so tempted to buy her the radio flyer my first scooter. she not only loved it but she did a great job of riding it (and staying upright!). i was buckling her into her carseat after our one hour visit only to hear her ask for phoebes! OH NO! we had somehow lost her favorite cabbage patch doll phoebe in toys r us. we ran back in and searched everywhere since we had really seen just about every toy there. finally we found her on a shelf in the train section. i guess someone had found her before us and put her up on a shelf. the look on sweet cheeks face was priceless once phoebes was back in her arms. we get back to the car and seriously, this is what she says, "phoebe was sad- i was supposed to watch her." i couldn't believe sweet cheeks actually felt responsible for loosing phoebe. it was so sad because her expression was totally backing up what she was saying, you could see how upset she was about the entire situation. moments later though she said, "phoebes is happy." it really was so sweet.
cute picture below but i couldn't turn it. sorry!
later that night, we had some company! the twins were at sweet cheeks house and they were so fun to watch! trying to get a picture of the three, sitting happy, sitting content, that was impossible so here is the best they had to offer for the camera.
seriously... does it get any cuter! i didn't think so either.

ok, so here is the part were is shamely admit that i have watched more than once on tv... at night... alone... 'tori & dean- inn love.' not sure how it even happened or why i let it happen more than once, but i did so i thought i had to fess up. seriously though, i semi enjoyed it. she is so lame, so dumb that you just kind of have to watch. in all honesty, her husband isn't that bad. he seems pretty normal actually. i am not sure how he puts up with her all the time. anyway, for a bit, i was actually fooled by her, thinking she did quite a bit with the new baby liam. it was obvious, as you see her all the time, that she had a nanny who helped out quite a bit. who wouldn't want someone full time to help. just an extra set of hands to hold the baby while you pee or get some lunch, that doesn't sound so bad. then last night i watched an episode when my original thoughts of tori returned. it is morning time and you see the nanny holding & feeding baby liam his bottle. dean asks the nanny, "how did you sleep?", followed by the question, "how did he sleep?'" then you see tori strolling out of bed getting herself some coffee. WTF? the nanny is the one to keep their son over night, doing the night wakings, etc? how pathetic is that. seriously, she is so spoiled, so lame, and she can't even keep her own son with her through the night. that is just not right.
i feel better now.