
cool wallpaper but yes, it is wallpaper

i started out looking at the brand of clothes kit & lili on line. this search led me to the shop/blog called nonchalant mom. i know i have viewed this site before and found a lot of cool clothes, none of which i could afford for sweet cheeks. i then saw what i thought were these amazing print animal wall decals (picture below), only to find out they are in fact wallpaper. hard to believe with so many removable decals out there that someone would make them in wallpaper, which is so much more permanent and hard to remove.

now i am wondering if any really cool contact paper exists out there. i recently bought some from target in a pretty white & green floral print for recovering sweet cheeks latt ikea table, which sweet cheeks and i also painted white. that being said, seems like you could just buy some really cool print contact paper, draw out the shape you'd like, and create your own wall decal.

i think it is something i will look in to.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG I just had to comment...your little girl is just so cute love the way she poses for the camera:) If you ever feel like stopping by my blog URL is http://www.firefly-shop.org/
Love your blog BTW!

Anonymous said...

LOL sorry didn't mean to delete the first one just to add something :) Visiting you back soon!

aka Molly said...

You have the greatest "post titles"!