
oh-so-many pictures

i don't know where or how you store your photos but mine are everywhere. for the first 5+ years of caroline's life, i put all of our images onto cd's. who uses those anymore! ok, i admit it. i do. the husband does make fun of me for it.  the last 3+ years i have been dropping our pics into iphoto at work. just recently i started the arduous job of dropping all of my cd's into one place on our pc at home. i think i have about 7 to go so i am almost there. so all of our family pictures are broken up and scattered a little bit here and there. i have been telling myself for a while now that i would organize everything into one safe place. so i researched hard drives but needed one that was both large in space and compatible with a mac and pc. i, in my usual nature, procrastinated over and over.

then steps in my sister. she tells me about this great site she is using called picturelife and how they have  been storing their photos there for years now. my favorite thing about it was that she would show me pictures taken on that same day from years before. i adored that feature and that is pretty much what sold me.

so... i am now in the process of organizing all of my memories into picturelife, the amazing cloud storage place. cloud storage? i am still wrapping my mind around the concept. so far i have my iphone and mac downloaded. next big project will be at home getting all my pc images into it. then i will have my dream come true... all of the girls pictures in one space for safe keeping. there is something so fulfilling in organization! wish i embraced that feeling more, i'd have a very organized home if so.

now i can pull out fun pics from the past like these cuties

i barely remember them so small!

remember those early days of baby food. what a short stage for hads that was

she will always be an accessory queen. i adore her smile and her style

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