
totes to go

sweet cheeks loves bags. she loves to take some of her favorite toys, books, glosses and art activities with her wherever she goes. since turning the ripe old age of 3 1/2, her interest in bags has matured. most days she can be seen carrying her silver hannah montana bag with chain strap. on the days when she needs something larger, she uses her pretty, pink monogrammed toile backpack.

if i could turn the clock back, i would have gotten these darling totes from busy little hands for sweet cheeks when she was just a toddler. i know she would have loved them.

how adorable! each bag comes with tiny finger puppets that can be stored in their own individual pockets. love it!

maybe sweet cheeks would like this tote from childish thoughts. a little more "grown up" since it is hannah montana, but still in a sweet, organized fashion for her crayons, coloring books, and gloss.

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